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Tag: Oral Health

See Your Dentist if You’re Having one of These 3 Dental Problems

Woman at a dental appointment.

When things get unpleasant in your mouth, it’s most often related to some underlying cause. In fact, the discomfort you’re feeling is often a call to action to have it checked and treated. The American Dental Association recently surveyed approximately 15,000 U.S. adults about their oral problems. If you have any of the top 3… Continue reading

Pros and Cons for Flossing Before Brushing and Vice-Versa

dental floss

For best results in cleaning your teeth of disease-causing plaque you need both the power of brushing open teeth surfaces and flossing in between them. But you may be wondering: should you perform one task before the other? In general terms, no—there’s no solid evidence that flossing is better before brushing, or vice-versa. But that… Continue reading

The Major Benefits of Early Childhood Dental Visits

Cheerful baby boy showing his teeth in his smile.

For a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums, it takes a lifetime of personal and professional care. Starting your child’s daily hygiene with the first tooth eruption is a must; but you should also consider beginning regular dental visits in their early years, around or before their first birthday. There’s evidence that early dental visits… Continue reading

Plan Your Sports Nutrition and Hydration to Reduce Tooth Decay Risk

Athletic young woman drinking water after jogging in a park.

If you or your family has an active sports lifestyle, you probably already know the importance of food and liquids for energy and hydration. But what you eat and drink (and how often) could unintentionally increase your teeth’s susceptibility to tooth decay. With that in mind, you should plan your nutrition and hydration intake for… Continue reading

Know the Causes and Treatments for Chronic Dry Mouth

Woman touching her mouth with her hand.

You hardly notice the moist environment of your mouth — unless it becomes uncomfortably dry. Some instances of dry mouth are quite normal — when you first wake in the morning after reduced saliva flow during sleep, when you’re stressed, or when you’re dehydrated and need fluids. But some are not normal — millions of… Continue reading

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